Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Results from Visit

All of my tests were normal, including the diabetes test. Praise the Lord! Got to see the little precious life again, he/she was putting a show for the Doctor and I. Moving the tiny legs and arms. We decided to wait until my 5th month check up to get another ultrasound since I got a second one on my second visit. The Dr. thought that there could have been another baby in there so she wanted to double check.
Don't get too excited, there was only one in Pauli's belly. Daddy will come with us when we try to find out the baby's gender.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Second Dr. Visit

This Friday I will go back for our second Dr.'s visit. It blows my mind that my visits to the Doc will no longer be once a year but once a month!! Whatever it takes to keep that baby safe. I'm guessing the tests done in my first visit turn out okay since I never got a called from the doctor ;)
Pray that I would be wise and bold to ask the right questions...specially in regards to labor. I will fill you in on how things went.