Friday, January 30, 2009

My Niece & Nephew (Mis Sobrinos)

I'm posting pictures of my loving family in Ecuador. My brother Alex and his wife Jenny have two sweet children. Unfortunately I have not met Emilio only through pictures and a few phone conversations. The last time I saw Michelle was on Christmas 2004. I miss them and can't wait to see them soon God willing.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Latest News

Jacob got his shots in his recent check up. He got 3 vaccinations in one shot. Poor thing cried pretty hard but I had the pacifier in his mouth and didn't get to hear his big cry...that was a good idea. He is now 14 pounds and 23 inches long. He is getting hard to carry around specially in his car seat.

His top 3 favorites things to do:
1. Eat

2. Sleep

3. Look and smile at his glow-worm toy while we change his diaper.

His smiles are getting cuter and he is now cooing a whole sentence.

Friday, January 2, 2009

He loves to smile

This past week Jacob has discovered that he loves to smile and coo. He really enjoys when you get close to his face and talk to him. We love seeing the different changes he is already going through. He was the highlight of the Christmas gatherings with our family members. They fell in love with his rollie-polie figure. He got lots of gifts as expected since it was his first Christmas. Jacob is growing so much, he is packing on the pounds and leaving Mom looking like a tooth-pick. Paulina is trying to keep up with the high demand of food from little hungry Jacob. He loves Dad's voice and now follows him with his eyes. He is also a lot of work, and sometimes in the middle of the night he decides to keep Mom awake with his cute smile, he thinks is play time when it's not.