Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Forbidden Fruit Bite

Here is the evidence of Adam's I mean Jacob's forbidden bite. For those who don't know, while I was busy shopping Jacob sneaked an apple and put his teeth marks on it so I felt I should buy it since he had already claimed it his. A few days later we both enjoyed this very sweet and yummy apple thanks to Jacob :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Evening Praise

Another day is ended
and I take my place beneath
my great Redeemer's cross,
where healing streams continually descend,
where balm is poured into every wound,
where I wash anew in the all-cleansing blood,
assured that thou seest in me no spots of sin.
Yet a little while and I shall go to thy home
and be no more seen;
Help me to gird up the loins of my mind,
to quicken my step,
to speed as if each moment were my last,
that my life be joy, my death glory.
I thank thee for the temporal blessings
of this world -
the refreshing air,
the light of the sun,
the food that renews strength,
the raiment that clothes,
the dwelling that shelters,
the sleep that gives rest,
the starry canopy of night,
the summer breeze,
the flowers' sweetness,
the music of flowing streams,
the happy endearments of family,
kindred, friends.
Things animate, things inanimate, minister to my comfort.
My cup runs over.
Suffer me not to be insensible to these daily mercies.
Thy hand bestows blessings: thy power averts evil.
I bring my tribute of thanks for spiritual graces,
the full warmth of faith,
the cheering presence of thy Spirit,
the strength of thy restraining will,
thy spiking of hell's artillery.
Blessed be my sovereign Lord!

-The Valley of Vision
(pg 224,225)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Teething Season

Jacob just popped four of his upper and lower first molars (Sept 30th). I believe they are not the canines (cuspids) since they are located more toward the back of his mouth. Yesterday I got little puppy teeth marks on my fingers as I tried to check his mouth. Now it makes sense why he was being so clingy and at times irritable. About two weeks ago (Sept 21st) his lower lateral incisor came through as well. Poor little guy all these teeth in such a little time. I guess he'll get it over it with sooner. For now he has a total of 8 teeth not counting the molars. I know this is lots of info but I'm mostly writing this for my records...hope you don't mind.