Tuesday, July 29, 2008

24 Weeks (6 months)

Baby has caught up with an ear of corn in size and gained about 1/4 pound since last week. (Length: almost a foot.).
Baby Cook is growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. He's pressing on Mama's nerves and moves a lot after she has a meal.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Almost 6 Months and 3 More to Go

It's been interesting for Jesse and I to decide in what will our baby sleep on, either on a bassinet, crib or pack n play....etc. We don't have much room in our one bedroom apartment so we are trying to be economical with the space we use. Jesse was suggesting a laundry basket with lots of blankets will solve our problem. :-P After many trips to the baby stores without results we decided to do that. Just Kidding!! Even with this little and a bit stressful decision we trust that the Lord will allow whatever works best for the baby and us. :)
I haven't been able to post any new pictures because our new camera has them in some kind of setting (JPEG) that only Mr. Jesse can work. So hopefully one of this days I can learn how to work it or the solution might be to buy a simple camera for me to use.
Next week I'll be 6 months..wow time is flying. I will have my next visit on Thursday. So far the pregnancy is going good. Only a few discomforts here and there. I've been having cravings for the 1st time...Jess was so kind to take me to the Ecuadorian restaurant and enjoyed a nice yummy dinner.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A lot of you who guessed were right! I had a feeling and a dream that it was a boy as well and still left a little hope for a girl. We are very excited knowing that the Lord gave us a little Jesse Jr. Yet we might have our doctor check for the second time, just to be sure. She thought it was very obvious that it was a boy, Jess and I asked her several times if she was sure. She told us that she hasn't been wrong for 7 years and what we saw on the ultrasound wasn't another leg. And we said...okay :) a boy it is!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

4 Month Belly Shot

This is actually a 4 1/2 month picture. The baby is now moving and my clothes are starting not to fit. I was forced to go the store and grab some preggie clothes. It looks like maternity ware is in, so I was able find cute stuff.