Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby Shower - Family and Friends

My Mom and big Sis (and Step-Dad) gave us a wonderful baby shower. I cannot say enough how thankful I am for all of the work they put in to it. It was obvious that they had put tons of work. When I arrived I was amazed with all of the fun decorations, colors, better say the whole set-up. They made one of my favorite Ecuadorian drinks "Chicha" it's sort of like Horchata but much better (hehe I say that because I love Ecuador, no offense to my Mexican friends). The food was to die for, Ecua style as well. We give much of the credit to our own world reknown cheff "Brian Alt". He has mastered the Ecuadorian cusine. I have several people asking for the sauce that went on top of the chicken and beef. Please provide recipe per guess's requests.
Thank you to all of the people that came and made this day special for Jesse, me and our little cookie. Thank you for helping us get start it with all of the gifts, but most of all thank you for the love that you share with us.
  • Vero: Auntie to be, thank you for the devotional. God's Word can only explain how precious children are to the human race. They are truly a blessing and a reward!
  • Mom: Grandma to be, thank you for your sacrificial heart. It has always been a beautiful trade that you have and practice.
  • Brian: Grandpa to be, thank you for the love that never runs out. Our little one will have tons of fun with you, I'm so happy that you are his Grandpa.
I hope to post pictures of this fun event soon...or at least before little cookie makes his grand entry to this world.

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