Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jacob Timothy Cook
was born November 10th 2008 @ 2:27 am. His Birth weight: 7lbs. 5oz
and his Length: 20.5
Pretty big baby for such small person. It was getting crowded in there the last two weeks or so. Good thing he came 8 days earlier than his due date.

We are so thankful to the Lord for our little precious gift. We praise and give him all the glory for such amazing miracle.
Jesse and I are adjusting to the changes and demands a newborn brings. Pray for us as we seek to trust and rely on His strength.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Most Recent Visit

Jess came with me yesterday to see the doctor. Things went pretty well, we expressed our desires to her and she seemed to want to work with us. She said that we will have to wait and see how labor progress and we can base our decisions on that "because you never know" she said. And she is right we are not in total control of the situation, God is. We are happy that she wasn't pushie about the whole thing.
After the appointment we got a small tour of the delivery room by a nice nurse that took her time to show us around. Got to ask her a few questions and she was very helpful. I think it was good for Jesse and I to get familiar with the place, just to prep our minds a bit. We can't wait to welcome our little one into this world. :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Upcoming Visit (37 Weeks)

This Thursday I have my 37th week check up. Jesse will be coming with me. The doctor has been a little difficult with us. She seems to love a lot of medical intervention with her patients. She first mentioned the C-section since the baby wasn't turning (it was kind of early for her to make that call). Now she said I will need an epidural since I have a flat pelvis (whatever that means). We really desire to be left to labor in a peaceful environment not where we are being pressured to do things. So please pray that the doctor and nurses would be cooperative with our labor requests and preferences. And that we would know when those interventions are really necessary. It's calming to know that the Lord is in total control of our lives and we desire to entrust every little bit of anxiety to him.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Phil 4:6-7)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

News from the Visit (36 Weeks)

Baby is now in the birth position. Yeah!! At my 34 week visit the Doctor told me that she does not deliver breech babies (which is good since is it kind of risky) so a C-section would be the only option. But today the ultrasound showed him head-down and ready:)
My visits are now every week until baby Cook arrives.
It has been nice being off work and walking at whatever speed I want; as well as waking up and not having to rush out the door to make it on time. Praise the Lord for that.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby Shower - Family and Friends

My Mom and big Sis (and Step-Dad) gave us a wonderful baby shower. I cannot say enough how thankful I am for all of the work they put in to it. It was obvious that they had put tons of work. When I arrived I was amazed with all of the fun decorations, colors, better say the whole set-up. They made one of my favorite Ecuadorian drinks "Chicha" it's sort of like Horchata but much better (hehe I say that because I love Ecuador, no offense to my Mexican friends). The food was to die for, Ecua style as well. We give much of the credit to our own world reknown cheff "Brian Alt". He has mastered the Ecuadorian cusine. I have several people asking for the sauce that went on top of the chicken and beef. Please provide recipe per guess's requests.
Thank you to all of the people that came and made this day special for Jesse, me and our little cookie. Thank you for helping us get start it with all of the gifts, but most of all thank you for the love that you share with us.
  • Vero: Auntie to be, thank you for the devotional. God's Word can only explain how precious children are to the human race. They are truly a blessing and a reward!
  • Mom: Grandma to be, thank you for your sacrificial heart. It has always been a beautiful trade that you have and practice.
  • Brian: Grandpa to be, thank you for the love that never runs out. Our little one will have tons of fun with you, I'm so happy that you are his Grandpa.
I hope to post pictures of this fun event soon...or at least before little cookie makes his grand entry to this world.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It was so much fun!! The ladies did an excellent job with the food, decorations, games..etc. A special thanks to Katie, Christy and Polonia. They made it possible with all of their kind efforts. May the Lord bless you for that! I got lots of cute gifts and really nice cards that I might even frame in the future. I love the drawing on the onecie contest, we have very talented ladies that did an amazing job. Some of you can make the big bucks if you wanted to sell your design (not a bad idea...huh?). I will try to post some pics. It was a special time thanks to all!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Baby Shower - Silverlake Bible Study

The ladies from the Bible Study will be giving the Cook Family a baby shower. I'm thankful to God for the sweet people He has surrounded us with. Thank you ladies for all of the efforts and the love that you express to us. May the Lord be exalted in everything we do and say!
"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father"
- Colossians 3:17

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baby Boy Updates (30 weeks)

In today's visit the Dr. confirmed that the Lord has blessed us with a baby boy! He is doing great, his growth made the Dr. happy. He is already a very active little-one. Jesse is trying to put him on a sleep schedule from the womb. Dad wakes him up when we wake up in the morning by pushing my belly around, baby doesn't really respond to it...but oh well Dad gets some credit for trying. :)

I will be starting a food regimen that will help me control my sugar levels. I was told I have Gestational Diabetes. If my diet is not controlled properly the baby could be overweight, which is fortunately not a problem right now. The next step is to see a dietitian...soon I hope. We are relying on the Lord for wisdom and we know our little-one is safe in His sovereign hands.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Recent Belly Shot

This picture was taken on Coast Guard Hill, Oregon. Jesse and I had a nice time with his family. The baby enjoyed the adventure with Daddy and Mommy.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Baby's Transportation

This stroller was a gift from my Grandpa Brian and Grandma Paulina. They were so kind to give me such a cool ride. I can't wait to be in it and go to fun places. Gracias Abuelitos!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jesse's Appendix

"The appendix is a tubular organ connected to the large intestine. It has an unknown function"

My hubby had a minor surgery to remove his appendix. The surgery was on Tuesday. According to the nurses he was in the hands of the best surgeon in the hospital. Jess is doing good and is recuperating. We have pictures of it if anyone is interested in seeing it. Without insurance this procedure costs $18,000. We hope to just pay a small amount. I'm grateful that he is back home with me and the baby. Praise the Lord for his great mercy and loving-kindness.

"Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS; again I will say, rejoice!
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - (Col1:4-7)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

24 Weeks (6 months)

Baby has caught up with an ear of corn in size and gained about 1/4 pound since last week. (Length: almost a foot.).
Baby Cook is growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. He's pressing on Mama's nerves and moves a lot after she has a meal.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Almost 6 Months and 3 More to Go

It's been interesting for Jesse and I to decide in what will our baby sleep on, either on a bassinet, crib or pack n play....etc. We don't have much room in our one bedroom apartment so we are trying to be economical with the space we use. Jesse was suggesting a laundry basket with lots of blankets will solve our problem. :-P After many trips to the baby stores without results we decided to do that. Just Kidding!! Even with this little and a bit stressful decision we trust that the Lord will allow whatever works best for the baby and us. :)
I haven't been able to post any new pictures because our new camera has them in some kind of setting (JPEG) that only Mr. Jesse can work. So hopefully one of this days I can learn how to work it or the solution might be to buy a simple camera for me to use.
Next week I'll be 6 time is flying. I will have my next visit on Thursday. So far the pregnancy is going good. Only a few discomforts here and there. I've been having cravings for the 1st time...Jess was so kind to take me to the Ecuadorian restaurant and enjoyed a nice yummy dinner.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A lot of you who guessed were right! I had a feeling and a dream that it was a boy as well and still left a little hope for a girl. We are very excited knowing that the Lord gave us a little Jesse Jr. Yet we might have our doctor check for the second time, just to be sure. She thought it was very obvious that it was a boy, Jess and I asked her several times if she was sure. She told us that she hasn't been wrong for 7 years and what we saw on the ultrasound wasn't another leg. And we said...okay :) a boy it is!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

4 Month Belly Shot

This is actually a 4 1/2 month picture. The baby is now moving and my clothes are starting not to fit. I was forced to go the store and grab some preggie clothes. It looks like maternity ware is in, so I was able find cute stuff.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

July 3rd (5 Months Visit)

On this date we will make the attempt to find out the gender of our little baby. I'm very excited that Jess will get to see this little one for the 1st time via ultrasound. He will find out how much more real it becomes when you see their tiny hands and feet moving. Beautifully crafted by God.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Results from Visit

All of my tests were normal, including the diabetes test. Praise the Lord! Got to see the little precious life again, he/she was putting a show for the Doctor and I. Moving the tiny legs and arms. We decided to wait until my 5th month check up to get another ultrasound since I got a second one on my second visit. The Dr. thought that there could have been another baby in there so she wanted to double check.
Don't get too excited, there was only one in Pauli's belly. Daddy will come with us when we try to find out the baby's gender.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Second Dr. Visit

This Friday I will go back for our second Dr.'s visit. It blows my mind that my visits to the Doc will no longer be once a year but once a month!! Whatever it takes to keep that baby safe. I'm guessing the tests done in my first visit turn out okay since I never got a called from the doctor ;)
Pray that I would be wise and bold to ask the right questions...specially in regards to labor. I will fill you in on how things went.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Entering into the world of Bloggers

I though it would be cool to start our own little blog where family and friends can come by and visit.