Saturday, July 5, 2008

A lot of you who guessed were right! I had a feeling and a dream that it was a boy as well and still left a little hope for a girl. We are very excited knowing that the Lord gave us a little Jesse Jr. Yet we might have our doctor check for the second time, just to be sure. She thought it was very obvious that it was a boy, Jess and I asked her several times if she was sure. She told us that she hasn't been wrong for 7 years and what we saw on the ultrasound wasn't another leg. And we said...okay :) a boy it is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse! Its Tracy! Just wanted to congratulate you, seems how I have to blog it! You never pick up your phone! Thats awesome Im going to be an auntie! I hope to someday meet your beautiful wife and my nephew! Hey my number is 605-624-4070! Well talk later, love Tracy!