Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's been a long time

I'm still not sure if I will continue to do the blog. We'll see. But for now I wanted to update on Jacob's growth. He just had his 15 month appointment. His height and weight are good for his age. Weight: 24.10 oz. Height:31 inches. The doctor is happy with his development. Here is a little story inside our family:
Jacob loves coming into the kitchen and since Mami always tells him that he is not allowed to play with the kitchen covers and frequently gets a reminder by me or Dad to close them. So the other day he came flying into the kitchen as he always loves to do...and I had 3 of the cover doors open all next to each other. And here comes this one year old and closes all 3 one after the other and walks off. At that moment I felt like he was teaching me a lesson "to keep the covers closed".

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